My family names I am working on are Munstenteiger and Boyer. Granted, these are not blood line relations, but they are still family to me. Boyer is my Grandmother's second husband and Munstenteiger was my great uncle. I have so many pictures left to me from my Mom of them that I just can't leave it alone, I have to learn more.

I started working on my son-in-laws family tree a few weeks ago. In the process, he has been bitten by the Genealogy bug. LOL He is enjoying the search and soon will be learning how to piece the puzzle together. Hopefully he will continue on and this will become a great hobby for him.

His family tree begins with the Wrights and the Millers, then spread into Phelps, Phillips and Swanson on his paternal side and Dennison, Brizendine and James on his maternal side. Most of his people thus far are in the North Carolina and Virginia areas, yet Spencer connected to one line tracing back to 16th century Ireland and Scotland! How very cool for him! 

I did a preliminary search for a friend while on the phone with her last week to find that the Pizzeria she visits in Rhode Island is the same property her grandfather lived on in the 1920's! I also found draft records and have a copy of his draft card! 

I have been working on my best friend, Rene's, tree for a few years and traced her grandfather's family from Italy to South America to the US and back to Italy. I haven't worked on her's in a bit, though. Once I get Spencer on track with his, maybe I will delve back into Rene's for a bit and see what I can find in Italy.

Started advertising today and have ordered business cards, as well. God willing I will receive a paying job soon....

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    by Anita Harrison

    Genealogy is my passion and my addiction. History blended with Family; what could be better?


    April 2012



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